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Discover our Pedagogical Proposal


The Pedagogical Proposal of Colégio IBPI considers the different aspects and the socio-cultural, political and economic context of the country today. Its main basis is collaborative education, which encourages the participation of faculty and students in the educational process, forming a bond of trust and generating an atmosphere for discussions that enhance critical thinking.


Colégio IBPI Its philosophy is the formation of enterprising citizens, solidary and committed to the common good. Dedication and attention to each student transform the relationship with study into a much more engaging experience. Interaction with the family is essential for the success of the adopted method, which prioritizes individuality and protagonism.


The audience served by Colégio IBPI it is made up of students who seek exclusive and personalized service, we value qualitative aspects over quantitative ones, respecting the differences of each student and allowing the formation of citizens able to face the challenges of a globalized world.


Colégio IBPI has modern facilities, with multimedia classrooms with broadband internet access and wi-fi.

Students also have access to a WEB Platform, a complete solution that provides communication, interaction, collaboration, relationship and teaching tools to users in an intuitive and contextual way. The interface creates a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that organizes groups of students into classes or communities. This model allows for greater socialization, as students can add their individual experiences and perceptions, intensifying and enriching the collaborative learning process, in addition to the possibility of implementing hybrid teaching.

Positive Teaching System: guarantees a teaching proposal with continuously updated didactic material and in accordance with all the regulations of the BNCC – Base Nacional Comum Curricular.

START Education: it makes it possible to introduce pedagogical practices and digital technologies and continuous training as a driver of innovation.

Google For Education: allows the use of various technology resources to assist in the implementation of blended learning.

IBEU – Brazil Institute United States: allows the implementation of a program in High School for the study of the ENGLISH language, with classes organized by the level of previous knowledge of the language of the students, through diagnostic evaluation carried out at the beginning of each academic year.  And allowing students, from the 9th grade of Fundamental of Colégio IBPI, to participate in the High School Program of IBEU.

of the institution
O Colégio IBPI, has as its philosophy the formation of enterprising citizens, solidary and committed to the common good. The dedication and attention to each student transforms the relationship with study into a much more engaging experience. Interaction with the family is essential for the success of the method adopted, which prioritizes individuality.

Our educational model values open dialogue through flexible and participatory education.

Based on this concept, IBPI offers the following courses:
- Middle and High School;
- Middle and High School - Youth and Adult Education modality (EJA).


Pedagogical Proposal
The Pedagogical Proposal of the Colégio IBPI, applies the objectives of the institution in the courses offered, and also takes into account: 
- The promotion of continuous reflection on relevant aspects of education and the use of technology in its development;
- The motivation of continuing education seeking to monitor changes;
- Encouraging discussions of the pedagogical proposal itself, seeking to find points to be improved or replaced;
- A critical and constructive look at the contents, the tutoring practice, the didactic material used, aiming at the quality of the teaching-learning process.


Final Years Middle School (6th to 9th grade) develops the essential knowledge and learning defined in the BNCC - National Common Curricular Base and its ten general competences:
1. Valuing and using knowledge from the physical, social, cultural and digital world to understand and explain reality, continue learning and collaborate in building a just, democratic and inclusive society.
2. Exercise intellectual curiosity, including investigation, reflection, critical analysis, imagination and creativity.
3. Valuing and enjoying the various artistic and cultural manifestations,
4. Use different languages – verbal, body, visual, sound and digital to express yourself and share information, experiences, ideas and feelings.
5. Understand, use and create digital information and communication technologies in a critical, meaningful, reflective and ethical way.
6. Valuing the diversity of knowledge and cultural experiences and appropriating knowledge and experiences that allow you to understand the relationships in the world of work and make choices aligned with the exercise of citizenship and your life project.
7. Argue based on reliable facts, data and information, to formulate, negotiate and defend common ideas, points of view and decisions that respect and promote human rights and socio-environmental awareness.
8. Know yourself, appreciate yourself and take care of your physical and emotional health, understanding yourself in human diversity and recognizing your emotions and those of others.
 9. Exercise empathy, dialogue, conflict resolution and cooperation, welcoming and valuing the diversity of individuals and social groups.
10. Act personally and collectively with autonomy, responsibility, flexibility, resilience and determination, making decisions based on ethical, democratic, inclusive, sustainable and solidary principles

Colégio IBPI seeks to develop a welcoming environment, conducive to interaction and the exercise of human coexistence, educational work, the cultivation of sensitivity and rationality. The pedagogical practice should strengthen school experiences that favor the construction of solidary identities, the enrichment of forms of expression and the exercise of creativity, favoring the conditions for new responses to the accelerated changes in the modern world.

At this stage, the student should be the protagonist of his learning. The teaching staff should act as a mediator, focusing on student autonomy. Active methodologies and new technologies also contribute to the protagonism of students, as they provide greater mobility and freedom of action in investigative processes and in interaction with colleagues.

Problem solving strategies should provide students with teaching situations that favor the production of new knowledge, based on what they already know in interaction with the new challenge. Working with problem solving is to encourage the student in contact with school knowledge, enabling the construction of questions that allow reflective analyzes about it, as well as the elaboration of syntheses – even if provisional – towards the reconstruction of knowledge by the student.

The learning process will adopt hybrid teaching as a strategy to meet the different learning paces of students, allowing them to play a leading role in building knowledge and developing values and attitudes.

The New High School is organized around four fundamental pillars: curriculum diversification/flexibility, articulation with professional education and full-time training.

The main change concerns the high school curriculum, which, in order to ensure diversification/flexibility, is now organized into two parts: Basic General Training (FGB) and Training Itineraries (IF).

In addition, to ensure comprehensive training, the curriculum should focus on the development of skills, with emphasis on the development of socio-emotional skills.

Basic General Training - FGB
General Basic Training consists of the part of the curriculum common to all students in Brazil, regardless of the school they are enrolled in. It is the part of the curriculum in which the skills and abilities provided for in the BNCC – National Common Curricular Base will be developed.

It should be noted that the BNCC of the High School stage was organized with competence and area skills, in order to guarantee the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary treatment of knowledge.

Training Itineraries - IF
The Formative itineraries are based on the student's protagonism in their life project. The central idea is to delve deeper into themes that dialogue with the career that the student intends to follow at the end of high school.

The important thing is that the student at the end of high school has carried out adequate preparation to access a higher education course or enter the world of work. Therefore, their training should go beyond deepening in just one area of knowledge.

The training itineraries will be classified into IFI – Integrated Training Itinerary, IFA – Expanded Training Itinerary and Electives.

Integrated Training Itinerary - IFI
IFI curriculum components are mandatory for all 1st and 2nd grade students in 2022 and for all high school students starting in 2023.
- Life Project
- Text Workshop
Expanded Training Itinerary - IFA
For the year 2022, 1st and 2nd grade students must choose one of the following itineraries: HUMANAS+ or EXACT+.

Students who follow the HUMANAS+ itinerary will have additional classes in the following areas of knowledge: Languages and their technologies and Applied Human and Social Sciences.

Students who follow the EXATAS+ itinerary will have additional classes in the following areas of knowledge: Mathematics and its Technologies and Natural Sciences and its Technologies.

In 2022, the IFA will be the same for all 3rd grade students and will consist of preparatory workshops for the Enem and entrance exams.
To complement the new workload, all students must attend four free-choice semester courses during the school year. The electives are organized into study tracks, and each semester, the student will choose two courses among those offered, according to the tracks of interest.
- Communication
- Art and culture
- Socio-emotional skills
- Aplicated math
- Professional qualification
- Sport Health
- Entrepreneurship
- Careers
- Financial education
At the beginning of each semester, the list of available electives is made available. New High School students will choose at least two courses per semester. Classes with at least 6 interested students will be confirmed.

OColégio IBPI offers Youth and Adult Education - EJA of Middle Education - Final Years (VI to IX phase) and High Education I to III phase with the purpose of offering schooling to young people and adults who did not have the opportunity to complete basic education, ensuring that they provide them with appropriate opportunities, considering their characteristics, interests, living and working conditions, through collective and/or individual didactic-pedagogical actions. The curriculum is organized by semester modules with a grid organized collectively or individually.

The collective organization allows the formation of classes in the hybrid model, following the curriculum of each stage with face-to-face and remote activities. The individual organization is intended for students who, for some reason, are unable to attend classes regularly. Study plans are organized for these students, which take into account the student's pace, and their conditions of connection with schooling and in the knowledge already appropriated.

The program adopted for Middle Education EJA – Final Years will adopt a practical approach to develop the essential skills and competences established by the BNCC, prioritizing access to the continuity of students' studies.

The program adopted for EJA High School will adopt a practical approach to develop the essential skills and competences established in the areas of knowledge of the FGB – General Basic Training, prioritizing the continuity of studies and/or insertion in the job market.

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